Trusted Banking Since 1910
A Message From Steve Stenehjem, CEO/Chairman
We recognize the current events around the financial industry have caused some uneasy feelings for our customers and community members. While it is very concerning, it is important to know that the banks who have failed are so very different from First International Bank & Trust (FIBT) and other strong community banks. They had significant exposure to tech sector and cryptocurrency interests that when combined with economic factors created tragic outcomes.
FIBT takes great pride in our relationship-based business model and the way we build long-term trust with our customers. Our customers are predominantly in our backyards, and we understand their business models. We remain well capitalized, well diversified, and well positioned to serve our communities for generations to come. FIBT’s 2022 Annual Report includes our Statement of Condition providing an overall financial summary.

Since our humble beginnings in 1910, First International Bank & Trust has built a strong foundation on the bond between our employees and customers. We’ve grown from a single bank in Arnegard, North Dakota to more than 30 branches spanning four states. Throughout the past 112 years in business, we’ve learned many valuable lessons. The economy has bloomed, boomed, crashed, and cycled time and time again. Technology has evolved and changed our day-to-day operations. With these cycles and changes, we’ve adopted new ways of doing things and remained nimble in our approach to lending, and the way we do business.
First International Bank & Trust was the only bank in McKenzie County to survive the Great Depression. In fact, for much of our existence, our slogan was “Never a Loss of a Depositor’s Dollar.” During the 1930s, when other banks were forced to liquidate loans, or in many cases, fail, First International Bank & Trust returned every dollar requested. We were able to do so because we made sound lending decisions, and made prudent, responsible choices to protect our customers and our communities. Our bankers bring the same line of thinking to the table today. We promise to never jeopardize the confidence you instill in us to keep your money, property, and personal information safe.
Our experienced team is ready to assist you with any of your questions or concerns. Thank you for the continued trust you place in our bank. We appreciate your business.